Well severance can be a high cost activity if the correct method, equipment and personnel competency is not selected.

James Fisher Decommissioning can deliver a fully encompassed abrasive water jet cutting well severance service for both subsea and platform-based operations including drill, pin, lifting and mechanical services.

Through continuous and significant investment both financially and technically, James Fisher Decommissioning deliver well severance using advanced water jet cutting. The mechanism of abrasive cutting is not revolutionary, however, how that medium is delivered subsea and down hole is.

Using advanced ultra high-pressure technology and unique air flow delivery techniques, we can maintain our water jet velocity at depths of up to 350 meters without dewatering and maintaining that velocity across multi string well sections.

In addition to the proprietary water jet technology, our bespoke multi sensor cut verification is able to send real time data feeds back to the operator. A live 360° feed back is displayed in real time, allowing the operator to fully control the rotation speed, pressure at nozzle and when required, track back to any point on the cut line where any incomplete penetration has been indicated.

James Fisher Decommissioning
James Fisher Decommissioning,
North Meadows,
AB51 0GQ
Registered in Scotland No. 103667
©2023 James Fisher and Sons plc. All Rights Reserved